Forest Bathing in Val di Fassa | © Giuseppe Vettori - Archivio Immagini ApT Val di Fassa

Forest Bathing

Discover the therapeutic power of nature with the forest bath

Bathing in the forest in a breathing rhythm!

Much more than a walk in the forest, contemplating the forest and simply hugging a tree. Forest Bathing is a sensory experience!

Certified guides accompany you as you immerse yourself in tall trunks, branches and leaves to capture their essence. Walking through a forest connects you with nature and the deepest part of you: you never leave the same as you entered the forest. This is an activity (practically suitable for everyone) that you can try in Val di Fassa: just take a few steps into the forest and, according to the meditation proposed by the guide, you focus on the present. Little by little, you relax your mind and let go of the emotional load that accompanies you in your daily life, activating your five senses to appreciate the contact with the vegetation. The walk becomes more and more enthralling as you enjoy the scientifically recognised benefits of this practice with its precise ritual: as we pass by (since they perceive us as strangers), the trees release monoterpenes into the air, through needles and leaves, in an imperceptible rain from which the concept of "forest bath" derives. These are molecules that activate cytotoxic cells in the blood, capable of fortifying our immune system. This is why Forest Bathing has psychological, emotional, physiological (for the cardiovascular and immune system) and respiratory effects. What do you say, do you want to try it? When you come out of the forest you will feel so good that you will become a "Forest Bathing addict".

Try forest bathing with our guides

Katiuscia Rasom - Forest Bathing Guide

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