Maschera in legno tipica del Carnevale Ladino in Val di Fassa | © Mattia Rizzi  - Archivio Immagini ApT Val di Fassa

Ladin culture and tradition

Identity and heritage of the valley

Benvegnui (welcome) to the home of Ladin culture

To get to know the heart of the Fassa tradition, the mystery of the survival of its language and the origins of its hospitality, immerse yourself in the culture of the Ladins of the Dolomites. You will find it in churches, chapels, museums, exhibitions, ancient villages, frescoes, and even in the fountains. You will discover legends, myths and rites that withstand the passage of time. 

The language we speak is the expression of our identity. It is a tradition that is ingrained in homes and in the landscape. In Val di Fassa, there are about 6,000 people whose mother tongue is Ladin. You will discover here the habits and customs of one of the most particular valleys of the Alpine area and of a wider linguistic minority that is located around the Sella Group, in the valleys of Fassa, Gardena, Badia, Livinallongo and Ampezzo.

Abiti tradizionali del Carnevale conservati al Museo Ladino di Fassa | © Andrea Costa  - Archivio Immagini ApT Val di Fassa

Ladin Museum Fassa

Modern and interactive

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1914 1918 La Gran Vera   The Great War: Galicia, Dolomites

1914-1918 La Gran Vera - The Great War: Galicia, Dolomites

In trenches from Galicia to the Dolomites

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Sezione dedicata al Carnevale del Museo Ladino di Fassa | © Patricia Ramirez - Archivio Immagini ApT Val di Fassa

Museums and Exhibitions

Memories and revelations of the valley

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Carnevale Ladino

Cultural Events

The parties that liven up every season

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