Coppia si prepara a sciare sulle piste della Skiarea Alpe Lusia - San Pellegrino | © Federico Modica - Archivio Immagini ApT Val di Fassa

Welcome to Val di Fassa

"The passion for skiing thrives here"
Piatto di tartare con panorama da un rifugio sulle Dolomiti di Fassa | © Patricia Ramirez  - Archivio Immagini ApT Val di Fassa

A warm mountain welcome

"Discover Ladin taste here"
Camminata nei boschi innevati | © Giuseppe Vettori - Archivio ApT Val di Fassa

Relax with a view of the Dolomites 

"The home of natural wellbeing"

Val di Fassa Trentino.
The enchantment of snow

A magical atmosphere is created in the Fassa Dolomites when the snow arrives. Like a spell, the real world is suspended and the fairy tale begins. The heart leaps for joy, dreaming of far-off lands, protected by the immaculate silence. Fly free over the white flakes of pristine wildernesses, chase secrets into the forests and breathe in the sparkling thrill of a night in the mountains among the stars. Then curl up in the cosy warmth of a mountain-scented wooden house. Fairy tales can come true...

A promise of happiness. 
Plan your holiday in the Fassa Valley now. Live the joy. The home of mountain holidays!


Vich d'invern

Vigo di Fassa
March 31, 2025

Easy walk around Vigo with a hiking guide, an experience combining nature and culture to discover traditions, curiosities, history and the beauty of the area

Moena d'invern

March 31, 2025

Easy walk around Moena with a hiking guide, an experience combining nature and culture to discover traditions, curiosities, history and the beauty of the area

Cianacei d'invern

April 1, 2025

Easy walk around Canazei with a hiking guide, an experience combining nature and culture to discover traditions, curiosities, history and the beauty of the area

Soraga d'invern

Soraga di Fassa
April 2, 2025

Easy walk around Soraga with a hiking guide, an experience combining nature and culture to discover traditions, curiosities, history and the beauty of the area

Destroy the Winter

Alba di Canazei
March 30, 2025

A festive day at Ciampac to say goodbye to winter together! Music, good food, games and a volleyball tournament on the snow

Italian National Alpine Skiing Championships

April 1, 2025

On the slopes of the Alpe Lusia - San Pellegrino ski area, the best Italian athletes challenge each other with speed and technique to win the absolute titles - male and female - in downhill, Super-G, giant slalom and special slalom

FlySkiAPTFassa | © Archivio Immagini ApT Val di Fassa

FlySki Shuttle

Low-cost direct transfer from Northern Italy’s airports to Val di Fassa Discover more
Val Di Fassa Guest Card

Val di Fassa Guest Card

Take advantage of all the benefits with your card always at hand! Discover more
Coppia di sciatori scende sulle piste della Skiarea San Pellegrino | © Federico Modica - Archivio Immagini ApT Val di Fassa

Dolomiti Springdays

Offer accommodation+ski pass+ski school from mid-March. 1 day is free! Discover more

Get inspired

Open your eyes and make your dream happen.
Let the Fassa Valley become your unforgettable mountain holiday.
Book now - it's all real!


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