Semplice Ma Fatto Bene

Semplice ma fatto Bene

Eat and Drink

Here the cuisine follows the seasons because the freshness of the products, grown and harvested at the right time, always gives a special taste.

Each recipe is prepared so that a small piece of Val di Fassa can be found on the plate, enclosed in the flavours and aromas that characterise the experiences to be lived in the valley, thanks to the use of raw materials, often local, of excellent quality. The main matrix of the dishes on the menu is Ladin, but it is expanded with proposals of the most classic Italian cuisine, passing through vegetarian and vegan variations as well as with recipes dedicated to celiacs. From "Simple but Well Done" you can also enjoy grills, quick dishes, salads and sandwiches. The bar-restaurant is located in a point of Soraga from where you can admire an exclusive view of the village and the valley. Dinners are available by reservation only. 

Main features

Meals for celiacs
Vegan cooking
Vegetarian cooking
Car park

Opening hours

1 December 2023 - 6 April 2025: every day from 19:00 to 21:00

Only available by reservation

Info & contacts

Semplice ma fatto Bene
Strada de Roisc, 8
38030 Soraga di Fassa (TN)
+39 340 4118323
+39 331 3704984

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