Ristorante Hotel Lupo Bianco

Ristorante Hotel Lupo Bianco

Eat and Drink

The experience is already on the journey to reach the restaurant located in Pian de Frataces (5 km from Canazei), along the road that rises to the Dolomite passes.

Welcome to the pretty pond, where ducks and swans always swim in summer, and the overhanging walls of Sella and Pordoi. The restaurant inside the Hotel Lupo Bianco is open only for lunch and offers sincere cuisine that tells the story of the territory and its traditions, also with vegetarian and gluten-free variations. Self-service (only in winter, so you can get back on track soon) or table service with menus over there? Let yourself be tempted by "El Grill dei Talmon", the super grills of grilled local farmed meat! You can sit on the terrace or in one of the finely furnished wooden interior rooms. Excellent wine list with a wide choice of glass labels.

Main features

Meals for celiacs
Vegetarian cooking
Car park

Opening hours

5 December 2024 - 6 April 2025: every day from 12:00 to 14:30

Info & contacts

Ristorante Hotel Lupo Bianco
Strèda de Pordoi, 5
Loc. Pian de Frataces
38032 Canazei (TN)
+39 0462 601330
+39 335 6157166

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