Gusto - Val di Fassa

Sapori d’autunno - Autumn flavours

A skilful mix of fragrances, aromas and colours, echoing the character of autumn in the mountains, can be found in the dishes of the Moena gastronomic week

Colours that brighten, scents that inebriate, tastes that conquer. Warming up the atmosphere, of the season now just around the corner, is "Autumn Flavours" the gastronomic event, from 15 to 22 September, successfully promoted for several years by the "Ristora Moena" association, a group of renowned chefs and restaurateurs who represent the excellence of Ladin gastronomy, the pride not only of Val di Fassa but of the whole of Trentino. Porcini mushrooms, potatoes, pumpkin, barley, game, fish and cheese from the Agritur El Mas are just some of the tasty ingredients interpreted by the culinary genius of the chefs of Foresta, Fuciade, Malga Panna (Michelin Star since 1993), Ostaria Tyrol and Malga Roncac. The five restaurants, which over the course of time have distinguished themselves for the high quality of their offerings, the professionalism of their staff and their impeccable service, offer different dishes to be savoured carefully in order to understand the excellence of Ladin-Fassan cuisine, contaminated by a few decidedly innovative touches that will accompany diners on a sensory journey of taste, from appetiser to dessert.

Each menu stems from a desire to enhance a specific product. Therefore, our advice is to taste all five and, perhaps, to draw up - nicely - your own personal ranking to compare with that drawn up by relatives and friends with whom you share the dining experience. Also of note is the promotional price, which varies between 60 and 100 euros, wines included.

Event location: Foresta | Fuciade | Malga Panna | Ostaria Tyrol, Moena

Info & contacts

Ufficio Turistico Informazioni Moena - APT Val di Fassa
Piaz de Navalge, 4
38035 Moena IT
+39 0462 609770

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The 5 restaurants of Fairy Moena

Malga Panna

Restaurants and Pizzerias

Paolo Donei, the chef patron of the Malga Panna restaurant, has been proud of the Michelin Star since he was 19 years old

Ristorante Hotel Foresta

Restaurants and Pizzerias

Characteristic and elegant is the restaurant that presents an always varied à la carte menu and a creative cuisine, made with local products

Ostaria Tyrol

Restaurants and Pizzerias

Characteristic environment, where stone and wood blend harmoniously, refinement in Tyrolean furnishings and attention to detail: the Ostaria Tyrol welcomes you to Moena!

Rifugio Fuciade

San Pellegrino Pass
Refuges/Alms/Mountain huts

This restaurant, nestled in a basin of extraordinary charm at almost 2000 m, is a treasure trove of refinement and attention in the preparation of dishes

Malga Roncac

Restaurants and Pizzerias

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