Mercato dell'artigianato

Handicraft market and workshops for children

Interesting market in the square with products, mostly handmade, from various cultural associations and handicraft workshops for children

From 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., the square in Pozza comes alive with a colourful market offering unique handmade creations. Are you looking for an original gift idea? Have fun shopping among the stalls, you're sure to find something interesting and reasonably priced: glass, ceramic, wood and metal objects; textiles and embroidery; household items; paintings; utensils; floral arrangements; collectors' items and vintage. The exhibiting artists are both local and from the neighbouring valleys, South Tyrol and other regions of Italy. In the meantime, children can take part free of charge in handicraft workshops, giving free rein to their creativity and imagination to create handicrafts with natural materials (no registration required).

Event location: Parking area near the Town Hall, Pozza di Fassa - Pera (San Giovanni di Fassa)

Info & contacts

Ufficio Turistico Informazioni Pozza di Fassa - APT Val di Fassa
Piaza de Comun, 2 Pozza di Fassa
38036 San Giovanni di Fassa IT
+39 0462 609670

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