Gran Festa da d'Istà_3

Gran Festa da d’Istà

In Canazei, three days with typical dishes and folk music, culminating in the parade on Sunday afternoon of a thousand Ladins in their traditional costumes

It is the great festival celebrating the end-of-summer. From 6th to 8th of September, Canazei calls together all the Ladins of Fassa and the valleys around the Sella for three days of typical gastronomy, entertainment and musical performances. The highlight of the Gran Festa da d'Istà is the parade on Sunday afternoon: at 3 p.m., amidst the applause of the public, about a thousand participants parade, also on floats and carriages festively decorated, divided between bands and folk groups, wearing splendid traditional costumes. Once the procession is over, it is the turn of the songs played in unison by the band groups and the dances of the folk groups presented on the meadows of "Pian de Parèda", next to the large tent. Famous bands from all over the Tyrol take turns under the tent, bringing singing and dancing to life. But there is also the opportunity to taste the typical dishes and the desserts, including "sones" (apple fritters) and "fortaes" (strauben), that are served non-stop.

The updated programme will be available from August.

Always in conjunction with the parade of Sunday, the main streets of the village and some secondary streets will be closed to traffic from 2 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. During this time lapse the transit through Canazei, from and to the passes Sella, Pordoi and Fedaia will be forbidden. The "Gran Festa da d'Istà" is organised by the Canazei White Cross and Canazei Fire Brigade, two associations that are fundamental to the life of the local community and which on this occasion field around 250 volunteers.

Event location: Events pavilion in Strèda de Parèda, Canazei (Alba - Penia)

Info & contacts

Comitato Organizzatore Gran Festa da d’Istà
Piaz G. Marconi
38032 Canazei IT
+39 0462 609600

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