"A spas co la mùsega"

Evening stroll along the central "Strada de Meida" in Pozza, enlivened by the music of Elena and Alessandro Acoustic Duo, Portobello Dire Straits Tribute, Nope and Love in Lions

Tonight, don't make any plans: "A Spas co la mùsega" is on. The centre of Pozza, starting at 9.15 p.m., is reserved exclusively for pedestrians. "Strada de Meida" with the squares "Piaza del Malghèr", "Piaza Deodat de Dolomieu", and "Piaza de Comun" turn into exceptional stages and invite you to follow the rhythm under the stars. The stars of this travelling summer event are the groups Elena & Alessandro Acoustic Duo, Portobello Dire Straits Tribute, Nope and Love in Lions: each will perform their own repertoire of jazz, soul, rock, pop, and funk.

Elena and Alessandro Acoustic Duo. Elena Favè will liven up the village centre with her warm voice. The young singer-songwriter, producer and multi-instrumentalist from the Fassa Valley winks at soul, pop and electronic music. On this occasion she is accompanied by Alessandro Biasi, a talented guitarist from Brescia who is fascinated by jazz, funk, r&b and rap.

Portobello Dire Straits Tribute. The cover band, consisting of Andrea Longo, vocals and guitar, Michele Longo on guitar, Andrea Zorzi on bass, Ennio Giongo, vocals and keyboard, and Graziano Bosin, vocals and drums, faithfully recreates the atmospheres and sounds that made Dire Straits famous. You will be able to relive the great hits of the legendary English rock group, interpreted with passion and skill by these talented musicians from the Fassa and Fiemme valleys.

Nope. From the sound of Seattle to the end of the 1990s: this female trio composed of Ambra Lorenzini, Chiara Brillfirti and Mirna Bellardini traces the music of the main bands that marked the scene of this decade.

Love in Lions. Begoña Górriz, on piano and voice, and Stefano Merighi di Pozza, singer and guitarist, are two artists united in music as well as in life. Their love and passion for reggae create an explosive mixture with a romantic touch.

In case of bad weather the concerts will be held in the events pavilion. Free admission.

Event location: Strada de Meida, Pozza di Fassa - Pera (San Giovanni di Fassa)

Info & contacts

Comitato Manifestazioni Enjoy Pozza
Piaza de Comun, 8
38036 San Giovanni di Fassa (Pozza) IT
+39 0462 609670

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