Ciclisti lungo la pista ciclabile delle Dolomiti vista da Soraga, in Val di Fassa | © Federico Modica  - Archivio Immagini ApT Val di Fassa

Cycling and walking route map

If the scenery captivates you on the way there, the return journey is also possible using public transportation, including Bike Express stops

The cycle and pedestrian path of the Dolomites of Fassa and Fiemme, spanning 47 kilometers, allows you to explore the valley following the course of the Avisio River, from Canazei to Molina in Val di Fiemme. It's a unique route of exceptional beauty that seamlessly crosses the Pale Mountains, passing through villages, forests, meadows, and alternating between natural trails and the asphalt of inhabited centers. You can choose your entry point as you go, and the route can be comfortably traveled on foot or by bicycle. Along the way, you'll encounter picnic areas, fountains, and playgrounds, as well as all the refreshment points in the villages and towns of the valley. 

The map of the cycle-touring route of the Fassa and Fiemme valleys includes: 

  • detailed map of the cycle and pedestrian path of the Dolomites of Fassa and Fiemme (technical data - length, elevation gain, average slope, type of surface - bars/restaurants/refreshment points along the route, fountains, Bike Express stops, bike/mountain bike rental/assistance, e-bike charging stations) 
  • information and schedules for the summer bus service Fassa & Fiemme Bike Express (a paid shuttle bus from Molina di Fiemme to Canazei with bike trailers) 
  • list of Val di Fassa Bike Friendly facilities, hotels/B&Bs/apartments/campgrounds specialized for bikers 
  • list of rentals and/or specialized workshops in Val di Fassa 

The map of the cycle and pedestrian path is available free of charge at all tourist offices in the valley. 

Info & contacts

Strèda Roma, 36 - 38032 Canazei (Italia)
+39 0462 609500+39 0462 609500

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