Famiglia Nicolucci

Private holiday flats Gentian Gentian Gentian Gentian
Vigo di Fassa

Our house is in Vigo di Fassa via Neva 78 in a peaceful setting close to the main local amenities: 300 metres from the Fassa Coop shopping centre, 50 metres from the skibus stop and just a few minutes from the town centre and from the "Ciampedie" and "Buffaure" ski slopes that link Pozza to Alba di Canazei. The house is surrounded by a large garden with ample parking. A charming wooden hut stands close to the main house, with an outdoor barbecue complex for use by guests.

National Identification Code (CIN):

IT022250C225HBZ4HV, IT022250C2VK9GZ2TC, IT022250C2NPYTSE3M

Main services

Private parking place

Clubs & Partnerships:

Val di Fassa Guest Card<br>The facility is a Val di Fassa Guest Card partner: ask your host for the free card, before or on your arrival in the valley!

Info & contacts

Famiglia Nicolucci
Strada Neva, 78 Vigo di Fassa
38036 San Giovanni di Fassa IT
+39 337 623409

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