Forest bathing - Katiuscia Rasom

Forest Bathing

A regenerating sensory experience in the forest to reconnect with nature and gain self-awareness

Originating in the 1970s in Japan under the term Shinrin Yokuin, the practice of forest bathing has spread widely in several countries around the world over the past decade. Katiuscia Rasom leads a forest walk that promotes biophilia, wellness and movement in nature. It has many physical, psychological, relational and personal growth benefits. An adventure among the trees and plants to discover the great therapeutic power of nature, to also learn how to adapt to change in a positive and healthy way, increasing the quality of life.


  • 9.45 a.m. - meeting point at "Pè de Bosch" bar in Vigo (Strada Daniel Zen, 7, next to the F.lli Pellegrin butcher's shop)
  • 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. - group activity

Sportswear and hiking shoes are recommended. In case of bad weather the appointment is cancelled.

Price: free activity open to all, with online registration.

"Dolomiti d'Autunno" - Autumn in the Dolomites, a project conceived by the Val di Fassa Tourist Board for the season that tints the valley with the most beautiful colors, for the first time is also being developed in the second part of October until early November. The offer includes activities for the well-being of body and mind with holistic practitioners every day from October 14 to November 3, as well as events in nature, meetings and talks with experts, tastings and theater performances.

Book your experience online

Event location: "Pè de Bosch" bar, Vigo di Fassa (San Giovanni di Fassa)

Info & contacts

Ufficio Turistico Informazioni Vigo di Fassa - APT Val di Fassa
Strada Rezia, 10 Vigo di Fassa
38036 San Giovanni di Fassa IT
+39 0462 609700

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