Cascate Basaltiche Mortic

Cascate basaltiche Mortic

Following the Mortic trail from Pian de Frataces, you can admire a very rare phenomenon: a waterfall on a basalt wall characterized by a series of suggestive and spectacular columns.
The most original aspect of the Antermont River waterfall in the Pian de Frataces locality along the Mortic path is, more than in the waterfall itself, in the particular rock that hosts it: a basalt step of volcanic origin, attributable to the Middle Triassic, which has a very original fissure. The result? Suggestive and spectacular columns. Although basalt is a common volcanic rock in the Fassa Valley, a columnar outcrop is a real rarity. The columns of Pian de Frataces are, however, anomalous: in addition to being vertical, some are also arranged horizontally and transversely. For this reason, the Canazei site is considered an Environmental Asset subject to protection by the Autonomous Province of Trento. A miracle of nature that has few examples in Italy and in the world.

The chance to admire a rare spectacle of nature.

Photo: Archivio Azienda per il Turismo della Val di Fassa - Annalisa Grazia

How to get there

From Pian de Frataces (Hotel Lupo Bianco) you pass in front of the valley station of the Pradel cable car. Follow the dirt road on the right that goes up the slope and then cross the ski slope and reach a crossroads. You descend to the left. The trail is forbidden for mountain bikes and is narrow and has steps. Round trip along the same route.


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Info & contacts

Cascate basaltiche Mortic
Strèda de Pordoi
38032 Canazei (TN)
+39 0462 609600

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