Snowboard FIS World Cup Carezza_4

Snowboard FIS World Cup Carezza

The winter season in Val di Fassa opens with the Parallel Giant Slalom World Cup, which takes place on the tried and tested "Pra di Tori" slope at the Carezza Pass

The Carezza Pass, between the provinces of Trento and Bolzano, is one of the Italian locations chosen by the International Ski Federation to host the Snowboard World Cup. On Thursday 12 December, from 9 a.m., the best snowboard specialists will compete on the "Pra di Tori" slope, at the foot of the Catinaccio and Latemar mountains, in two parallel giant slalom races for men and women. Among the favourites will be Mirko Felicetti from Moena, while Lucia Dalmasso will hold high the female colours of Ski Team Fassa. In the last edition, it was the Italian Maurizio Bormolini and the German Ramona Theresia Hofmeister who conquered the highest step of the podium.

The programme (which might be subject to changes) includes lots of "green" entertainment, such as concerts, shows and fireworks display. There is also an area devoted to the sponsors of the event.

  • from 9 a.m. - women's and men's PGS qualifications
  • 1 p.m. - snowboard FIS World Cup PGS women's and men's finals
  • 2.30 p.m. - prize-giving ceremony

Event location: Pra di Tori slope | Carezza Pass, Vigo di Fassa (San Giovanni di Fassa)

Info & contacts

Carezza Event
Via Carezza, 25
39056 Nova Levante Carezza IT
+39 0471 614139

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