Lezione di yoga

Yoga lesson

An hour of exercises to train the body and relax the mind

Often described and depicted only as a physical practice, yoga actually has its roots thousands of years ago in a system of knowledge that interconnects body, mind and spirit, with the aim of leading to self-realisation. Teacher Daniela Zorzi guides you (even if it is your first time), step by step, through the practice that is good for the body, posture, breath and spirituality.


  • 8:15 a.m. - meeting point at the Val di Fassa Tourist Board operative offices in Fontanazzo (Strèda de l'Albolina, 415, near the "Dolciaria Fassana")
  • 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. - group activity

Comfortable clothing and a fitness mat are recommended.

Price: free activity open to all, with online registration.

"Dolomiti d'Autunno" - Autumn in the Dolomites, a project conceived by the Val di Fassa Tourist Board for the season that colours the valley with the most beautiful colours, for the first time also runs in the second part of October until the beginning of November. The offer includes every day, from 14 October to 3 November, activities for the well-being of body and mind with holistic operators, but also events in nature, meetings and talks with experts, tastings and theatre performances.

Book your experience online

Event location: Val di Fassa Tourist Board operative offices | Fontanazzo, Mazzin (Campestrin - Fontanazzo)

Info & contacts

Ufficio Turistico Informazioni Mazzin di Fassa - APT Val di Fassa
Strèda de Capitel del Moro, 812 Mazzin
38030 Mazzin di Fassa IT
+39 0462 609650

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